
Software engineer with 13 years of experience, 7 years working for AI companies in senior technical and management positions.



AI video generation

Senior Software Engineer 2023-11-01 - Present
London, UK

Software engineer in the Core Product Engineering Team


AI for accident and disaster recovery

Engineering Manager 2021-06-01 - 2023-11-01
London, UK

As a hands-on engineering manager, I was responsible for building the Property product and the Property engineering team at Tractable

  • Built an MVP in less than 4 months, including pen-tested critical components, that was used in production immediately after the release. Achieved this with a very small team
  • Built a high-performing engineering team of 8, developing features and products across multiple regions

Kheiron Medical Technologies Ltd.

Medical AI software company

Engineering Lead 2016-06-01 - 2021-06-01
London, UK

As the Engineering Lead, I played a key role in defining and building the engineering culture and direction at Kheiron. My responsibilities included hiring and managing engineers, setting the technical direction for the internal and external products, managing the regulatory aspects of the development work, and iterating product requirements with clinicians. As the company grew, my responsibilities shifted more towards commercialisation and managing integration and deployment processes. My achievements and responsibilities were:

  • Building the engineering team from scratch to a 15 people team that could support the development and maintenance of multiple internal and external projects
  • Designing the technical interview process and coached the team members on interview techniques
  • Holding regular 1-on-1s with my team members, helping them to resolve both technical and non-technical blockers, and supporting their growth in their own roles
  • Leading the technical work on the first successful CE Marked product release
  • Setting up the engineering processes - code review process, release cycle, sprints
  • Designing and documenting the steps for two large-scale retrospective clinical trials; I was responsible for running and documenting the process, from data collection through labelling and then running the medical device against the data
  • Designing technical architecture and the technical requirements for several projects; I led and was hands-on on the technical development of most of the engineering projects during the first two years
  • Working with the regulatory team to make sure that the medical software is designed and developed according to the standards
  • Participating in several planning sessions and discussions with clinicians and translating their needs into technical requirements
  • Representing the company at several conferences demonstrating and explaining how the technology works for clinicians and several other stakeholders from the healthcare business
  • Leading several large-scale data extraction projects in several countries, including negotiations with all stakeholders (clinical, regulatory, information governance, technical), designing the technical process, and leading data de-identification and transfer
  • Working with medical imaging standards (DICOM) for both data storage and communication

Entrepreneur First

Pre-seed start-up accelerator

Cohort member 2016-03-01 - 2016-06-01
London, UK

I was a member of the sixth EF cohort.

  • Pitching ideas for internal VCs while teaming up with potential co-founders
  • Going through the business development process - ideation, value proposition, prototyping, using the Business Model Canvas, etc.


Workforce engagement SaaS company

Full-stack Engineer 2014-09-01 - 2016-03-01
Menlo Park, CA, US

I worked as a full-stack Ruby on Rails developer.

  • Mentoring new members of the team
  • Writing front-end requirements for an external contractor
  • Managing the code review process
  • Managing new feature development
  • Designing and developing new software modules and working with the Product team
  • Developing and maintaining a regression test package


Hospitality software company

Android Developer 2013-10-01 - 2014-06-01
London, UK

I was responsible for the Android version of a virtual queue app (BarPass). My duties included developing new features, managing versions on Google Play, and designing and developing an application from scratch for Android tablets for managing orders.

  • Releasing and maintaining two Android applications


Information Technology company

Full-stack Java Developer 2012-03-01 - 2012-08-01
Budapest, Hungary

I worked on a web-based logistics application.

  • Designing and developing a generalisable templating software for receipt generation

B2 International

Health and Finance software development company

Java Developer 2010-11-01 - 2012-02-01
Budapest, Hungary

I was working on several projects as a Java Developer.

  • Working with the SNOMED standard
  • Leading the data migration effort between proprietary systems
  • Development and rollout of a financial software


Software Engineering

  • Experience working with Web frameworks (FastAPI, Django, Flask, Ruby on Rails)
  • AWS, services: Lambdas, DDB, EC2, S3, RDS, Sagemaker. Templating: Cloudformation, SAM, CDK
  • Data engineering experience - designing and building data pipelines, data transformations, and anonymisation
  • CI/CD experience with Github Actions, GitLab, and Harness
  • Experience using containers (Docker) for development and deployment

Technical Leadership & Management

  • Built technical teams and set up the hiring processes
  • Aligned the technical vision with the product roadmap
  • Set up the Software Development Lifecycle process
  • Introduced Agile development methods (Scrum, Kanban)
  • Introduced engineering best practices (code review process, standardisation, testing)
  • Planned and executed user testing and technical support processes


  • Familiarity with IEC 62304: Software life cycle process
  • Experience with DICOM and HL7 standards (networking and image processing)
  • Medical Imaging experience
  • Deep understanding of Medical data anonymisation (both technical and GDPR)


University College London

Digital Media Technology/ICT Innovation (Second year of EIT Digital Master course)

Master - Computer Science 2013-09-01 - 2014-09-01
London, UK

KTH Royal Institute of Technology

Digital Media Technology/ICT Innovation (First year of EIT Digital Master course)

Master - Computer Science 2012-08-01 - 2013-06-01
Stockholm, Sweden

Budapest University of Technology and Economics

Machine learning and embedded systems

Bachelor - Computer Engineering 2005-09-01 - 2009-02-01
Budapest, Hungary

北海道大学 / Hokkaido University

Japanese language and culture

Exchange student (HUSTEP program) - Arts 2009-09-01 - 2010-08-01
Sapporo, Japan

Universität Karlsruhe (TH)

Networks, databases and graphics

Exchange student (German Government Scholarship - DAAD) - Computer Engineering 2007-09-01 - 2008-02-01
Karlsruhe, Germany